Applying International Education Standards, Nusa Putra University Achieves ISO 21001:2018 Certificate

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Nusa Putra University has once again achieved a quality campus with international standards. This is proven by the achievement of the ISO 21001:2018 certificate from PT. Sucofindo is a BUMN (State-Owned Enterprise) institution that is affiliated with the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). The ISO certificate was handed over directly by the Main Director of Sucofindo to the Chancellor of Nusa Putra University, on Thursday (7 July 2022).

The Main Director of Sucofindo Dr. Ir. Mas Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi said that the achievement of ISO 21001:2018 shows that Nusa Putra University has implemented an educational organization management system that meets the criteria of the International Standard Organization. According to him, this standard is an adjustment from ISO 9100:2015 which was used as a previous parameter.

“Standard 21001:2018 was prepared specifically for the education sector in achieving its goals and carrying out its main function, namely providing quality education services,” explained the Managing Director of Sucofindo in his speech.

According to the Managing Director of Sucofindo, the ISO 21001 standard has principles where educational institutions are more socially responsible and provide educational services that are accessible and fair to all students.


“This standard helps education in increasing the satisfaction of students, teaching and education staff, as well as beneficiaries or other stakeholders,” he said.

He hopes that by achieving this ISO 21001 certificate, Nusa Putra University can become even more superior and leading as a higher education institution that has a quality educational organization management system.

“Congratulations to Nusa Putra University, I believe this organization will continue to grow and develop increasingly superior with the support of a quality system,” he said.

Nusa Putra Education Quality Standards are Internationally Recognized
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Nusa Putra University, Dr. Kurniawan said that achieving ISO 21001 could increase competitiveness and improve the quality of campus education. Apart from that, the reputation and public trust in Nusa Putra University which is built through the satisfaction of students and other beneficiaries is certainly increasing.

“Of course, we are very grateful for achieving this ISO, it means that the services we provide have gained the trust of the public and the satisfaction of students and all stakeholders,” said the Chancellor of Nusa Putra University.

It was said, that after achieving ISO 21001, Nusa Putra University’s next step was to increase the credibility of the institution by achieving international accreditation.


“We are also currently following the international accreditation stages, the culmination of which will be a field assessment this August. This ISO will of course support the assessment later,” he explained.

The party also continues to be committed to carrying out continuous quality improvement (CQI) by prioritizing quality education that reflects social responsibility and alignment with service quality.

“We will continue to make improvements so that there is harmony between goals and activities with the vision and mission policies of Nusa Putra University to provide quality educational services to the nation and state,” he said.

ISO 21001:2018 certificate handover ceremony from PT. Sucofindo to Nusa Putra University took place at Graha Sucofindo Jakarta. On this occasion, the ranks of the Nusa Putra Rectorate, leaders from PT. Sucofindo.(*)
