Elementary Teacher Education


The development of community life in the current global era demands universities to reoriented reforms in the education system and social balance. This is the most important part of higher education as a teaching institution, knowledge creator and efficient provider in improving people’s welfare and the nation’s competitiveness. Thus, various study programs must strive to improve the quality of education for the community. One of them is the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, which is the first education program at the University of Nusa Putra which is still a member of the Faculty of Business and Humanities (FBH). The Nusa Putra University PGSD study program received an operational permit on February 8, 2018 along with the Decree of the Ministry of Research, technology and Higher Education Number: 108 / KPT / I / 2018 concerning the Change of Form of the Nusa Putra Technology College to Nusa Putra University.

The PGSD Study Program at the beginning of the admission of new students, the public interest was very high, almost matching the favorite study programs at that time, namely informatics engineering and management study programs. This is a challenge in itself for the PGSD study program to provide the best service for the community.

The teaching resources of the PGSD Study Program are filled by several lecturers according to their expertise. The ability of the disciplines referred to is related to 5 basic disciplines of elementary schooling, namely Science, Social Sciences, Indonesian Language, PPKn, and Mathematics.


“To become a primary school teacher education provider that excels in moral education and basic literacy through science, social, language and arts studies to produce graduates who are adaptive to developments in science and technology and are globally competitive by 2042”


  1. Carry out education that the integrity and professionalism of students in mastering educational theory and practice.
  2. Carry out innovative and sustainable research that is oriented towards strengthening the concept of education and solving basic education problems.
  3. Carry out community service that contributes to increasing social competence and improving the quality of basic education.
  4. Fostering the quality of individual educators with integrity, culture and competitiveness locally and globally.
  5. Improving the supporting facilities and infrastructure for the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in a sustainable manner.
  6. Expanding partnerships with various parties as an effort to improve the quality of the Elementary School Teacher Education Undergraduate Study Program in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in a sustainable manner.

Career Prospect of Graduates

  • Become a Class Teacher
  • Become a Researcher in Education
  • Becoming an Entrepreneur in Education
  • Educational analyst

Graduate Profile

The graduates of this study program have broad job prospects, mainly to become educators in elementary schools who are able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop education based on their knowledge. Graduates from this study program can also become researchers who are able to solve learning problems, and are able to produce proven learning innovations to improve the quality of learning. In addition, this PGSD graduate can also become an education practitioner in elementary schools who act as mentors, education managers, extra-curricular coaches, media developers and learning resources.

Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) undergraduate program is directed to produce bachelor Elementary School Teacher Education who have the following skills:

  • Educators in elementary schools who are able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop education based on science, insight, knowledge, and motivation in terms of technopreneur, collaboration, and independence based on Pancasila values ​​that can improve the quality of learning in elementary schools.
  • Beginner researchers who are able to solve learning problems, and are able to produce proven learning innovations such as Technopreneur Development in Elementary Schools, Humor Development in Elementary Schools, ICT Development in Elementary Schools,
  • Art Development in Elementary Schools, and Public Speaking in Elementary Schools to improve the quality of education in elementary schools.
  • Education practitioners in elementary schools who can develop and manage education who act as education consultants, education managers, extra-curricular coaches, media developers and learning resources as well as educators in non-formal pathways equivalent to elementary schools.

Semester KodeNama Mata Kuliah (In)Course Name (Eng)SKSECTSTotal
WN10002Pendidikan KewarganegaraanCivic Education23,2
WU11001Bahasa Inggris AkademikEnglish for Academics23,2
PG11002Konsep Dasar IPSBasic Concepts of Social Studies23,2
1PG11003Landasan PendidikanEducational Foundation23,21828,8
PG11004Pendidikan KarakterCharacter Education34,8
PG11005Konsep Dasar MatematikaBasic Concepts of Mathematic23,2
PG11006Psikologi PendidikanEducational of Psychology34,8
WN10001Pendidikan PancasilaPancasila Education23,2
WU12002Bahasa Inggris ProfesiEnglish for Profession23,2
PG12001Perkembangan Peserta didikStudent Development23,2
PG12002Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas RendahIndonesian in Low Class23,2
2PG12003Konsep Dasar IPABasic Concepts of Natural Science23,21930,4
PG12004Pembelajaran Matematika di SDMathematics Learning in ElementarySchool34,8
PG12005Filsafat PendidikanEducational of Philosophy23,2
PG12006Pembelajaran IPS di SDSocial Learning in Elementary School34,8
WN20004Agama dan EtikaReligion and Ethics23,2
PG21007Bimbingan dan Konseling di SDGuidance and Counseling inElementary School34,8
PG21008Manajemen PendidikanEducational Management34,8
PG21009Inovasi Pembelajaran Berbasis TIKICT-Based Learning Innovations34,8
3PG21010Telaah Kurikulum Sekolah DasarElementary School CurriculumReview34,82336,8
PG21011Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas TinggiIndonesian in High Class34,8
PG21012Metodologi PenelitianResearch Methodology34,8
PG21013Pembelajaran IPA di SDScience Learning in ElementarySchool34,8
WN20003Bahasa Indonesia dan BudayaIndonesian Language and Culture23,2
PG22007Pendidikan InklusiInclusive Education34,8
PG22008Pengelolaan KelasManagement Classroom24,8
4PG22009Perencanaan Pembelajaran danMicro TeachingTeaching Plan and Micro Teaching34,82133,6
PG22010Evaluasi PembelajaranLearning Evaluation34,8
PG22011Statistika Penelitian PendidikanResearch Statistics34,8
PG22012Pembelajaran SBDP di SDArts in Elementary School34,8
PG22013Penelitian Tindakan KelasClassroom Action Research23,2
PG31017Sosiologi dan Antopologi
Educational Sociology and
PG31018STEAMSciences, Technology, Engineering,
Art, and Mathematics
PG31014Pendidikan Jasmani dan OlahragaSport Education34,8
5PG31015Etika Profesi GuruTeacher Professional Ethics23,22336,8
PG31016Pendidikan Bahasa DaerahLocal Language Eduacation34,8
PG31018Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris SDEnglish Learning in ElementarySchool23,2
WU30004Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL/PPL)Work in Practice23,2
MK Pilihan: Inti PeminatanSpecialization course69,6
6WU30005Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)Community Service23,219-2430,4-38,4
MK Pilihan I: MBKM/SCP
Elective Course I: MBKM/ SCP/ In-
FB41002Filsafat IlmuPhilosophy of Science23,2
7MK Pilihan II: MBKM/SCP
Elective Course: MBKM/ SCP II/In-

Conversion from SKS to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Definition of 1 credit in learning
Definition of 1 credit in learning

1 credit is equivalent to 170 minutes or 2.83 hours. Each semester consists of 14 meetings. It means, a total of 39.62 hours per semester is obtained. The provision of 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours. To get a Bachelor’s degree, a student must complete a minimum of 144 credits, that is equivalent to 228.21 ECTS. According to European Standard, 3 years lectures program is equivalent to 180 ECTS, and 4 years lecture program is equivalent to 240 ECTS. The number of lectures at FECD-UNSP is 228.21 ECTS, meaning that it meets European standards.

The Semester Credit Unit load for each course is determined in accordance with the learning process (lecture characteristics) carried out. One semester consists of 14 learning sessions/meetings (14 weeks) and two examinations; Mid-Semester Examination, and End-Semester Examination (UAS).