Civil Engineering


The Bachelor Study Program (S1) in Civil Engineering at Nusa Putra University prepares students to work in the fields of transportation planning, roads as well as construction design and management in projects that require civil engineers. Graduates of the Civil Engineering Study Program serve the community through the application of knowledge and skills in planning, design, construction of facilities and infrastructure in various disciplines. Students in semester 5 are given the choice of emphasizing competence according to their interests and talents in the choice of deepening concentration in a more specific field. The concentrations offered are Transportation and Traffic and Structures. The deepening of this field is supported by various activities such as internships, research and student exchanges.


To become a superior and innovative study program in the implementation of education in the civil sector that has competitiveness and techniques based on local wisdom values in the face of the global trade era in 2030.


  1. Organizing an education and teaching system in the field of civil engineering to develop science based on the transformation of the times, so as to be able to produce creative and innovative human resources.
  2. Carry out research to produce works that have high competitiveness both at the national and international levels by developing and integrating the scientific development of civil engineering to the values of local wisdom and national civilization.
  3. Disseminate research results in the form of applied technology that is able to compete globally and provide benefits for improving people's lives.
  4. Implementation of community service programs based on information technology science by increasing public understanding of the importance of technology for life.
  5. Collaborating with various institutions both at home and abroad that have a significant impact on the progress of the institution.

Career Prospect of Graduates

After completing the Civil Engineering Bachelor Program, graduates can have a career as Geotechnical Engineer, Structural Engineer, Water Resource Engineer, Quality Control Engineer, Construction Consultant, Teacher & Researcher / Academician, BUMN Expert, Government Expert, Technopreneurship

Graduate Profile (GP)

The graduated profile of civil engineering is to become technopreneur, and academic accomplishment - academics and researchers

SemesterKodeNama Mata Kuliah (in)Course Name (Eng)SKSECTSTotal
WN10001Pendidikan PancasilaPancasila Education23,2
WU11001Bahasa Inggris AkademikEnglish For Academics23,2
SP11001Matematika DasarBasic Math46.4
SP11003Kimia Teknik SipilChemical for Civil Engineering34.8
SP11004Gambar TeknikEngineering Drawing34.8
SP11005Ilmu Ukur TanahSurveying34.8
Civic Education23,2
WU12002Bahasa Inggris ProfesiEnglish For Profession23,2
SP12009Teknologi Bahan KonstruksiConstruction Materials Technology34.8
SP12010Mekanika BahanMaterial Mechanics23,2
WN20003Bahasa Indonesia DanBudayaIndonesian Language And Culture23,2
SP21011Matematika TeknikEngineering Math34.8
SP21012Manajemen KonstruksiManagement Constructions34.8
SP21013Statika Tak TentuIndeterminate Statics34.8
3SP21014Mekanika TanahSoil Mechanics34.82235,2
SP21015Struktur BajaSteel Structure23.2
SP21016Hidrolika dan mekanikafluidaHydraulics and fluid mechanics34,8
SP21017Desain jalan danperkerasan jalanRoad and pavement design34.8
WN20004Agama Dan EtikaReligion And Ethics23,2
SP22018Analisis NumerikNumerical Analysis34.8
SP22029Statistika dan ProbabilitasStatistics and Probability34.8
SP22020Teknik Lalu LintasTraffic Engineering34.8
4SP22021Teknik pondasiFoundation structure34.82133,6
SP22022Struktur BetonConcrete Structure34.8
SP22023Metodologi PenelitianResearch Methodology23.2
SP22024Ekonomi TeknikEngineering economics23.2
SP31025Perancangan Jalan RayaHighway Design34.8
SP31026Teknik GempaSeismic Design34.8
SP31027Rekayasa Irigasi danDrainaseIrrigation and Drainage Engineering34.8
5SP31028Perancangan ProyekProject Planning34.82235,2
SP32029Analisis DampakLingkunganEnvironmental Impact Analysis23.2
WU30004Praktek Kerja Lapangan(PKL)Work in Practice23,2
-MK Pilihan: Inti PeminatanSpecialization course69,6
6WU30005Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)Community Service23,219-2430,4-38,4
-MK Pilihan: MBKM/SCP/PendalamanElective Course: MBKM/ SCP /In-Depth15-2024 -32
FT41002Filsafat IlmuPhilosophy of Science23,2
7-MK Pilihan: MBKM/SCP/PendalamanElective Course: MBKM/ SCP /In-Depth15-2024-3217-2227,2-35,2

Conversion from SKS to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Definition of 1 credit in learning
Definition of 1 credit in learning

1 credit is equivalent to 170 minutes or 2.83 hours. Each semester consists of 14 meetings. It means, a total of 39.62 hours per semester is obtained. The provision of 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours. To get a Bachelor’s degree, a student must complete a minimum of 144 credits, that is equivalent to 228.21 ECTS. According to European Standard, 3 years lectures program is equivalent to 180 ECTS, and 4 years lecture program is equivalent to 240 ECTS. The number of lectures at FECD-UNSP is 228.21 ECTS, meaning that it meets European standards.

The Semester Credit Unit load for each course is determined in accordance with the learning process (lecture characteristics) carried out. One semester consists of 14 learning sessions/meetings (14 weeks) and two examinations; Mid-Semester Examination, and End-Semester Examination (UAS).