Faculty of Business and Humanities (FBH)

Gain the skills and knowledge you need for your career, now and into the future.


“To become a faculty that surpasses national standards by 2030 and achieves world-class status by 2045 in the fields of business, law, and education, producing intelligent, innovative, and religious human resources.”


  1. To provide competent education in the fields of business management, education, and law to produce progressive and competitive graduates in management, accounting, education, and law;
  2. To conduct progressive and competitive research in business management, education, and law that benefits national development, humanitarian efforts, and overall well-being;
  3. To organize community service in business management, education, and law that is beneficial to humanity and sustainable;
  4. To establish collaborations aimed at expanding networks with business institutions, government bodies, non-governmental organizations, and national and international higher education institutions.


  1. To produce internationally recognized graduates in business management, law, and education who are professional, possess superior knowledge and skills, and are moral;
  2. To conduct and publish international-standard research in business management, education, and law that contributes to scientific knowledge and humanitarian efforts;
  3. To organize sustainable community service in business management, education, and law that benefits humanity and national development;
  4. To establish partnerships with business institutions, higher education institutions, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations, both nationally and internationally, to enhance cognition and productivity in business and management, education, accounting, and law;
  5. To conduct internal evaluations across all areas to improve accountability, accreditation, and quality in line with national and international standards.

Strategic Targets

  1. To give serious attention to national and international research and publications;
  2. To allocate adequate funding and encourage all faculty members to engage in research and pursue doctoral studies;
  3. To increase the number of doctoral graduates among faculty members who have exceptional teaching and research quality;
  4. To actively participate in the development of practices and theories in business management, education, and law;
  5. To increase the number of new students each year and encourage their involvement in research and community service activities.

Start your journey to Nusa Putra

The existence of global challenges and the dynamism of life today makes the Management Study Program the first step in achieving the future economy and business

Produces professional undergraduate economics in accounting with basic skills in: internal and external examination, management accounting, taxation, and information systems and is based on an entrepreneurial spirit.


Produce a professional and character and Developing student careers in the field of law

The development of community life in the current global era demands universities to reoriented reforms in the education system and social balance