
Currently, legal education in Indonesia is centered on the cognitive aspect, which results in practical aspects and social issues in society not being fully explored. In the future, it is necessary to adapt learning methods that are in line with technological developments and in accordance with the character of students and efforts to formulate learning outcomes.

Legal education must change in line with the needs of a more globalized legal profession. The next challenge is that law schools must teach national law but also law at an international level. With the advancement of technology, law students in the current generation are required to master different abilities from the previous generation. Therefore, the skills and abilities to utilize technology must be possessed by every student.

The Law Study Program of the University of Nusa Putra is here to answer various challenges in the development of practical aspects and social issues of society that change along with the changing times that occur due to technological disruption. The Law Study Program at the University of Nusa Putra is a bachelor's degree study program that provides higher education in law to produce professional and characterized Bachelors of Law (SH). The Law Study Program of the University of Nusa Putra obtained an operational permit on February 8, 2018 together with the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education number: 108/KPT/I/2018 concerning the Change of the Nusa Putra College of Technology to become the University of Nusa Putra and was declared accredited by BAN-PT on January 10, 2018.


To become a competitive and innovative world-class legal education institution in the field of research to produce intelligent and religious practitioners and law experts by 2043.


  1. Organizing education and teaching science quality law supported with material substance courses relevant to development of time, source reliable lecturers and quality, as well as facilities and adequate infrastructure;
  2. Produce research in the field of science matching national and international;
  3. Carry out activities community service in the form of implementation results research in the field of law who can help community in overcoming related problems with the law.
  4. Improving the quality of education legal knowledge through improvement quality of learning for produce graduates who spiritually intelligent, emotional, intellectual and professional in the field of science law.
  5. Establish various collaborations with various parties, good local, national and international.

Career Prospect of Graduates

With a learning concept that applied, the graduate of the Program Study Of Law Nusa Putra University mastering practical concepts in the field of law according to special legal expertise which is his choice deep. In addition, graduates too able to prepare formulas law in an effort to resolve procedural problems for each legal events that occur in the midst of society with the interests of society, nation and country. Specific legal expertise in question consists of practical skills in settlement of legal cases, as well as academic skills in effort development of legal science and development of national law. In general, the competence of graduates Program Studies of Law Nusa Putra University are as follows:

  1. Legal Practitioners which include legal practice field good in the agency environment law enforcement and career independent
  2. Professionals that include all jobs in the field good law in the company private and owned companies country
  3. Academics covering the fields of research and legal education.

SemesterKodeNama Mata Kuliah (in)Course Name (Eng)SKSECTSTotal
WN10002Pendidikan KewarganegaraanCivic Education23.2
WU11001Bahasa Inggris AkademikEnglish for Academics23.2
HK11001Pengantar Ilmu HukumIntroduction Legal Studies46.4
1HK11002Pengantar Hukum IndonesiaIntroduction To Indonesian Law46.41930,4
HK11003Ilmu NegaraState Science34,8
HK11004Filsafat HukumPhilosophy Of Law23.2
HK11005Sosio LegalEmprical legal Sience23,2
WN10001Pendidikan PancasilaPancasila Education23,2
WU12002Bahasa Inggris ProfesiEnglish for Profession23,2
HK12006Hukum InternasionalInternational Law23,2
2HK12007Hukum PerdataCivil Law46,42032
HK12008Hukum PidanaCriminal Law46,4
HK12009Hukum AdatCustomary Law23,2
HK12010Metode Penelitian HukumMethod Legal Research34,8
WN20004Agama dan EtikaReligion and Ethics23.2
HK21011Hukum Tata NegaraConstitutional Law34.8
HK21012Hukum Pidana Internasional
dan Sistem Peradilan Pidana
International Criminal Law and
the International Criminal Justice
3HK21013Hukum Dagang dan BisnisCommercial and Business Law34.82032
HK21014Hukum Perdata InternasionalCivil Law International23,2
HK21015Hukum Dan Hak Asasi ManusiaLaw And Human Rights Law23,2
HK21016Hukum Teknologi InformasiCyber Law23,2
HK21017Hukum IslamIslamic Law34.8
WN20003Bahasa Indonesia dan BudayaIndonesian Language and Culture23.2
HK22018Hukum LingkunganEnvironmental Law23.2
HK22019Hukum KetenagakerjaanEmployment Law23.2
HK22020Hukum Administrasi NegaraState Administrative Law23.2
4HK22021Hukum Acara PerdataCivil Procedure Law34.82235.2
HK22022Hukum Acara PidanaCriminal Procedure Law34.8
HK22023Ilmu Perundang-UndanganKnowledge Legislation23.2
HK22024Hukum AgrariaAgrarian Law34.8
HK22025Tindak Pidana KhususSpecial Crimes34.8
HK31026Hukum Hak Atas KekayaanIntelektualIntellectual Property Law23.2
HK31027Argumentasi HukumLegal Argument23.2
HK31028Kemahiran HukumLegal Proficiency34.8
HK31029Etika Profesi HukumEthics Of The Legal Profession23.2
5HK31030Hukum PajakTax Law23.22336.8
HK31031Hukum Perjanjian InternasionalInternational Treaty Law23.2
HK31032Hukum PerusahaanCompany Law23.2
WU30004Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL)Work in Practice23.2
-MK Pilihan: Inti PeminatanSpecialization Elective Course69.6
6WU30005Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)Community Service23,219-2430,4-38.4
-MK Pilihan I: MBKM/SCP
Elective Course I: MBKM/ SCP
FB41002Filsafat IlmuPhilosophy of Science23,2
7-MK Pilihan II: MBKM/SCP
Elective Course II: MBKM/ SCP

Conversion from SKS to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Definition of 1 credit in learning
Definition of 1 credit in learning

1 credit is equivalent to 170 minutes or 2.83 hours. Each semester consists of 14 meetings. It means, a total of 39.62 hours per semester is obtained. The provision of 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours. To get a Bachelor’s degree, a student must complete a minimum of 144 credits, that is equivalent to 228.21 ECTS. According to European Standard, 3 years lectures program is equivalent to 180 ECTS, and 4 years lecture program is equivalent to 240 ECTS. The number of lectures at FECD-UNSP is 228.21 ECTS, meaning that it meets European standards.

The Semester Credit Unit load for each course is determined in accordance with the learning process (lecture characteristics) carried out. One semester consists of 14 learning sessions/meetings (14 weeks) and two examinations; Mid-Semester Examination, and End-Semester Examination (UAS).