Is a division that has a function to develop the curriculum of study programs at the University of Nusa Putra. Curriculum development is carried out every 4 years, including the making of course syllabus which is a reference for the Semester Lesson Plans for the lecturers
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Lecture service unit (LSU) merupakan divisi yang memiliki fungsi sebagai perencanaan, pemantauan dosen serta standar dan kualifikasi dosen. Menentukan rencana kerja tahunan untuk pengelolaan dosen menjadi agenda utama agar dosen dapat meningkatkan kompetensinya melalui kenaikan jabatan fungsional (Asisten Ahli, Lektor, Lektor Kepala dan Guru Besar) serta Sertifikasi Dosen Nasional. Segala informasi terkait dengan ketersediaan dan kualifikasi dosen berada di LSU.
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RCSU is a division that focuses on dealing with research and community service for lecturers and students, which is a tridharma obligation. In addition, RCSU also has a role in scientific publications so that it also manages several journals related to research and community service
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IO is a division that is responsible for managing, monitoring, and evaluating international programs and activities in order to gain international recognition for Nusa Putra University, and improve the international learning experience for both domestic and overseas students. Management of foreign students who are carrying out Full Degree Study, Internship, Short course, is under the responsibility of IO. In addition, IO has managed several collaborations with overseas campuses for the development of universities at the international level
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APCU is a division that has a function to ensure study programs get accreditation from national and international accreditation agencies by developing and managing academic standards including: qualification framework, curriculum, graduate competence, learning process and assessment system. In addition to managing competency certification standards that are used as references in the Certificate of Companion Diploma (SKPI).
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