Along with the development of science and technology, nowadays the field of Accounting has become very important to be mastered as the basis and central for the development of other related branches of science. Thus, the need for accountants worldwide is very high both in companies, industry and government. The Bachelor of Accounting Study Program at Nusa Putra University was established in 2018 and is the only study program in Sukabumi Indonesia region that provides higher education in the field of Accounting including finance, taxation, and auditing. Determination of the profile of graduates of the Accounting Study Program at the University of Nusa Putra based on needs analysis, studies of science and technology and adopting and referring to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), the Professional Association of Indonesian Institute of Accountants (Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants) and the Competency Standards of Professional Accountants that has been set by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), namely the International Education Standard (IES).
The Accounting Study Program at the University of Nusa Putra determines the Intended Learning Outcomes (ICLO) based on the determination of the graduate profile based on an analysis of the curriculum foundation (philosophical, sociological, psychological, historical, judicial) through a preparation process that is in accordance with theory, research and application in the accounting field. . This curriculum analysis was developed in accordance with the field of Accounting competence which refers to: Competency-based curriculum (KBK) Kepmendiknas no. 045/U/2002; Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) and the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) Law no. 12 of 2012 and Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2012; National Standards for Higher Education (SN DIKTI) Ministerial Regulation no. 44 of 2015; Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards (SN Dikti); Permendikbud No. 5 of 2020 concerning Accreditation of Study Programs and Universities, as well as the curriculum of the Accounting Study Program is an adaptation of a professional organization called the Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI) and the Indonesian Bachelor of Economics Association (ISEI). In preparing the curriculum, it involves all stakeholders, both from lecturers, graduate users and related experts.
The vision of the Accounting study program at Nusa Putra University is: “Becoming a Bachelor of Science who has a professional attitude in the fields of Finance, Taxation and Auditing that has Innovative, Religious and Globally Competitive Characteristics by 2043.”
- Developing Professional Competencies
Providing quality higher education to develop professional competencies in the fields of finance, taxation and auditing. This involves a relevant curriculum, quality teaching, and extensive practice opportunities. Examples that have been implemented by study programs include A&B brevet training, finance, audits, project-based assignments, workshops and internships. - Developing Global Competitive Capabilities
Ensure that graduates are ready to compete in the global market by understanding international standards, foreign languages and having sufficient international experience, such as international internships, student exchanges, international conferences and seminars. - Increasing Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Implement innovative teaching methods, advanced technology, and a curriculum that is always updated to reflect the latest developments in the fields of finance, taxation, and auditing. Examples that have been implemented are Collaborative Teaching with Practitioners, Curriculum Content Development, project-based assignments and Discussion-Based Classes. - Research Development and Scientific Contribution
Encourage scientific research and contribute to understanding and development in the fields of finance, taxation and auditing. Engage students and staff in relevant research. Examples include study programs encouraging publications and conferences, supporting student research. - Social Engagement and Community Service
Encourage students to be involved in relevant social activities and community services, so that they can become contributing citizens in society. Examples include Community Service and Tax Consultation Services or through a tax center.
Career Prospect of Graduates
After completing the Accounting Bachelor Program, graduates can have a career as:
- Public Accountant
- Financial Accountant Auditor
- Accounting System Auditor
- Financial Analyst
- Capital Market Analyst