Electrical Engineering


Along with the development of science and technology, nowadays the field of Electrical Engineering has become very important to be mastered as the basis and central for the development of other related branches of science. Thus, the need for electrical experts worldwide is very high both in companies, industry and government. The Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Study Program at Nusa Putra University was established in 2018 and is the only study program in the Sukabumi-Indonesia region that provides higher education in the field of Electrical Engineering including scientific mastery in the field of Strong Current including power electricity and renewable energy and the field of Weak Current covering Robotics and the Internet of Things (IoT).


To become an excellent Electrical Study Program with international qualifications by 2045 in the provision of education, research and community service in the field of Electrical Engineering to produce graduates who are intellectual, religious, innovative and globally competitive.


  1. Advancing science and technology through superior and high-quality education, teaching and learning in the field of Electrical Engineering Science.
  2. Advancing science and technology, through study, research, publication and patenting of superior and high-quality research results in the field of Electrical Engineering Science.
  3. Advancing science and technology, which can answer superior and high-quality problems and challenges of society in the field of Electrical Engineering Science
  4. Develop a strong and innovative organization in the Electrical Engineering Study Program by utilizing the potential of resources optimally so that they can be fair in the intellectual life of the nation and state.
  5. Encouraging the growth of the ability to master science and technology in the fields of Electricity, Renewable Energy, Robotics and the Internet of Things in Indonesia for the sake of creating national independence.

Career Prospect of Graduates

After completing the Electrical Engineering Bachelor Program, graduates can have a career as: Power Electrical Engineer, Project Engineer, Control Engineer, Automation Engineer, Software Engineer/Developer, System Engineer, Hardware Design Engineer, Telecom Engineer, System Analyst, IOT Engineer, Robotics Engineer, Teacher & Researcher / Academician, BUMN Worker/Expertise, Government Worker/Expertise, Technopreneurship

Graduate Profile (GP)

The graduates profile of electrical engineering is to become professional practitioners, technopreneurs, and research academics in the field of electrical engineering

SemesterKodeNama Mata Kuliah (In)Course Name (Eng)SKSECTSTotal
WN10001Pendidikan PancasilaPancasila Education23,2
WU11001Bahasa Inggris AkademikEnglish for Academics23,2
EL11001Aljabar LinearLinear Algebra34,8
EL11003Matematika DiskritDiscrete mathematics34,8
EL11004Fisika Mekanika dan PanasPhysics of Mechanics and Heat34,8
EL11011Pengantar Teknik ElektroIntroduction to Electrical Engineering23,2
WN10002Pendidikan KewarganegaraanCivic Education23,2
WU12002Bahasa Inggris ProfesiEnglish for Profession23,2
EL12005Persamaan DiferensialDifferential Equations34,8
2EL12006Fisika Listrik, Gelombang dan
Physics of Electricity, Waves and
EL12012Pengantar Analisis RangkaianIntroduction to Network Analysis34,8
EL12013Algoritma dan PemrogramanAlgorithms and Programming34,8
EL12014Sistem DigitalDigital System34,8
WN20003Bahasa Indonesia dan BudayaIndonesian Language and Culture23,2
EL21008Probabilitas dan StatistikaProbability and Statistics34,8
3EL21009Variabel KompleksComplex Variables34,82032
EL21015Sinyal dan SistemSignals and Systems34,8
EL21016Rangkaian ListrikElectrical circuits34,8
EL21017Dasar ElektronikaBasic Electronics34,8
WN20004Agama dan EtikaReligion and Ethics23,2
EL22010Metode NumerikNumerical Method34,8
EL22018Material Teknik ElektroElectrical Engineering Materials34,8
EL22019ElektromagnetikElectromagnetic Field34,8
4EL22020Sistem Pengukuran dan
Measurement and Instrumentation
EL22021Teknik Sistem KendaliControl System Engineering34,8
EL22022Teknik Sistem Tenaga ListrikElectrical Power System Engineering34,8
EL22023Teknik Sistem TelekomunikasiTelecommunication SystemsEngineering34,8
EL31024K3, Etika Profesi, dan ProfesionalK3, Professional and ProfessionalEthics34,8
EL31025Metodologi PenelitianResearch methodology33,2
EL31026Gambar Teknik ElektroElectrical Engineering Drawings33,2
5EL31027Kecerdasan BuatanArtificial intelligence34,82336,8
EL31028Desain Sistem MikroprosesorMicroprocessor System Design34,8
WU30004Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL)Work in Practice23,2
MK Pilihan: Inti PeminatanSpecialization course69,6
6WU30005Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN)Community Service23.219-2430,4-38,4
MK Pilihan I: MBKM/SCP
Elective Course I: MBKM/ SCP /In-
FT41002Filsafat IlmuPhylosophy of Science23.217-2227,2-35,2
7MK Pilihan II: MBKM/SCP
Elective Course II: MBKM/ SCP/In-
15-2024 -32

Conversion from SKS to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Definition of 1 credit in learning
Definition of 1 credit in learning

1 credit is equivalent to 170 minutes or 2.83 hours. Each semester consists of 14 meetings. It means, a total of 39.62 hours per semester is obtained. The provision of 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours. To get a Bachelor’s degree, a student must complete a minimum of 144 credits, that is equivalent to 228.21 ECTS. According to European Standard, 3 years lectures program is equivalent to 180 ECTS, and 4 years lecture program is equivalent to 240 ECTS. The number of lectures at FECD-UNSP is 228.21 ECTS, meaning that it meets European standards.

The Semester Credit Unit load for each course is determined in accordance with the learning process (lecture characteristics) carried out. One semester consists of 14 learning sessions/meetings (14 weeks) and two examinations; Mid-Semester Examination, and End-Semester Examination (UAS).